The Psalmist proclaims, In your presence is a fullness of joy, at your right hand a pleasure forever more. This passage from the Book of Psalms has profoundly touched and moved my family and i to serve the poor and the less fortunate.
I vividly recall my first encounter with our poor brethren and those dirty, smelly children at the GK sites. At a glance i was moved to pity but a deeper sense came to me- they too, are sons and daughters of God waiting to be genuinely loved and cared for by others.
From that moment on, there was no turning back. Not known to many, Mimi and i, and by and large, our family have served GK and ANCOP for more than a decade. If you will ask me why that long? I will only attribute it to God’s amazing grace and the inmost joy and satisfaction that is beyond understanding.
So today and beyond, and by God’s grace, Mimi and I and our entire household will continue to serve the poor and ANCOP in our own small way. We want to focus on the education of the poor but deserving children and the youth because they are the future builders, backbone and firm foundation of a sturdy, God fearing Philippines.
Let me end by encouraging everyone, to love the poor in serving them in its sublime and purest form is to see the face of Christ in them. In turn, we encounter and experience God’s presence in us that brings inner joy and gladness to the full.
God’s precious gift to us that’s beyond everything and anything.
Written for ANCOP by:
Rene Bello
SB PFO Head, 11102020