What is the ANCOP Global Walk?
The ANCOP Global Walk (AGW) is an annual fun walk which aims to raise awareness about CFC ANCOP’s work, and raise funds for its Educational Sponsorship Program.
Is there a registration fee? How much do we need to register?
Anybody can sign up and participate in the AGW 2020! Just click on REGISTER, pay Php 300 (USD 6.50) online banking, GCash, or PayPal, and you’re good to go.
Why do I get charged Php 328.00 when I register using a credit card?
The extra Php 28.00 is the transaction fee charged by PayPal.
But movement has been limited since communities are in quarantine. How can I join the Walk?
That’s okay! Instead of a one-day event, this year’s AGW will run for 3 months, from September 6, 2020 to November 15, 2020. And instead of gathering at a huge venue like the SM MOA grounds or the Quirino Grandstand, you can walk inside the comfort of your own home! That’s why it’s now called the VIRTUAL ANCOP GLOBAL WALK.
“Virtual ANCOP Global Walk”?
Yes, it’s the VIRTUAL ANCOP Global Walk! This means we’ll use technology to make the Walk happen. So it means you can walk around your living room, or the garage, or up and down the stairs, or your village park where you are allowed to walk WITH PHYSICAL DISTANCING, or on your treadmill. By using a free fitness app like Google Fit or Fit Bit, we can track how many steps you take. (Note: If you own a smartwatch that tracks how many steps you made, that’s good too. Or, a good old-fashioned pedometer...)
What are our Walk Goals for AGW 2020?
Since we are going virtual, we can still aim for 5km (5 kilometers = 6,562 steps). But since we have a longer walk time (about 3 months), we can go nuts and target 2,000 steps a day! Globally, our goal is 50 billion steps for AGW 2020. This means we need around 278,000 walkers to walk 2,000 steps/day for 90 days!
How do you know I really did a 5K?
Frankly, we don’t. But we trust you—that’s what community is all about. We'll be following along with everyone who posts on social media, so be sure to share your experience and use #virtualAGW and #ancopglobalwalk2020. Oh, and we will send you your Virtual AGW bib once you register, so make sure you print this and use it whenever you do your walk.
Because walking is incredibly good for you! Walking reduces belly fat, protects your brain, and adds years to your life — exactly what we all need, especially during a time of health concerns. These are all aside from our main purpose of helping transform a child’s life and his family’s by supporting free education.